Mequaltech offers engineering evaluations and inspections in accordance with American Petroleum Institute standards 653, 510 and 570.
API 653 Above Ground Storage Tank Inspection
Mequaltech performs in-depth above ground storage tank inspections using the latest in non-destructive examination equipment. Our comprehensive reports, prepared by certified API 653 inspectors, are guaranteed to provide our customers with an immediate and accurate assessment of their tanks’ compliance to standards API 653 and API 650.
Inspection methods include magnetic flux leakage (MFL) of tank bottoms, ultrasonic thickness measurements on shell, roof, nozzles and other components, magnetic particle inspection on corner and nozzle welds, vacuum box testing, tank settlement analysis and other non-destructive examination techniques.
API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspection
Our API 510 certified inspectors will supply you with code compliance inspections aimed at maintaining asset integrity.
Both external and internal inspection can be provided and include activities such as visual inspection, inspection of welded joints, ultrasonic thickness measurements, corrosion evaluation dye penetrant or magnetic particle testing, determination of corrosion rates, fitness for service evaluations, repair procedures and re-rating analysis.
API 570 Piping Inspection
Our piping inspection program includes non-destructive testing, assignment of thickness measurement locations (TML’s), visual inspection of all piping components and support systems, evaluation of corrosion under insulation, inspection for fatigue, creep, brittle fracture or damage due to freezing.
Our certified API 570 inspectors can assist you with the determination of corrosion rates, remaining life calculations, retirement timeframe, piping repairs and re-rating of existing piping systems.
API QUPA & PCN PAUT Phased Array Inspection
Our technicians are certified by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and/or Personal Certified NDT (PCN) by the British Institute of Non-Destructive-Testing (BINDT) to perform phased array inspection on pressure vessels, piping (pipeline), storage tanks and other applications.
In many situations, phased array is often an alternative to radiography on base materials or welds, eliminating the necessity for a safety perimeter and allowing for immediate inspection results.
Phased Array inspection can be performed manually or the scan can be encoded for data backup.
The phased array technique is also used for preventive inspections allowing to perform corrosion mapping on pressure vessels, piping (pipeline) and storage tanks.
NACE inspection of surface preparations and coatings
Inspection and survey of coating applications such as Paint, Galvanization and Metallization.
Type of inspection proposed: ambient temperature measurement, anchoring profile measurement, wet and dry film coating thickness measurement, Low Voltage Holiday Test (Wet Sponge) and High Voltage Holiday Test (Spark Test), …
Our work is carried out by NACE certified personnel level 1, 2 and 3